Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Linkie Love in the Blogosphere

Morning everybody (all three of you)! I'll be posting some finished projects this afternoon-in which I finally conquered a challenge I've been having lately and will talk about that, but I wanted to post some good links I've found from my reader this quiet morning.

Amy Karol, of Angry Chicken fame, has a new book coming out in August called Bend The Rules with Sewing. Many of you will remember her first book, Bend-the-Rules Sewing, which is a great book with lots of neat little tips and projects. Her new book, Bend the Rules with Fabric:, takes it to the next level incorporating projects for sewers and non-sewers alike (I always feel wierd typing sewers, like someone is going to think I'm talking about the place icky toilet water goes!). It's even got screenprinting!!!! It's available for preorder on Amazon now, as well as a few other places, the link above takes you there! I can't wait to see this book!

Craft has a great tutorial for making a quilted potholder. They simply use batting for their layers, I would probably use Insulbright myself to make it more heat resistant and less likely to burn my hands. Speaking of Insulbright, for those of you who aren't familiar with it, it's a batting infused with what looks like those silver NASA blankets-it insulates either hot or cold, so it's great for potholders, tortilla warmers, lunch bags, ironing board covers, coffee cozies and hundreds of other projects! Very usefull stuff!

Also via Craft, I found a new to me blog, Dollar Store Crafts. She posted a tutorial for these super cute Dishtowel Shorts, and she's also hosting a "Make Something Cool Everyday" party in April. This one is definitely going into my feed reader!

What are some of your favorite blogs? Seen anything awesome in the blogosphere lately? I'll be back later today with some finished pretties!

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