Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone is having a nice, relaxing holiday with their family! I was burning the midnight oil last night to complete the bloomers to go with Gennah's dress. They never did get finished due to a malfunctioning sewing machine at my moms, but she looked super cute anyway! This is a quick (VERY blurry) pic I took of her modeling it the other day:

The pattern I used was a new one on You Can Make This, the Precious Dress by Carla C. I have quite a few of her patterns and I love all of the ones I've made up so far. I think the worst part of this dress was the sleeves, and that was only because they are so very small (this is the 3 month size of the dress). Start to finish I'd say it took about 3 hours, which I didn't think was bad at all for such an adorable little dress!

This was the first year my youngest son (Wyatt), was really able to get into the Easter Egg hunt. He'll be 22 months old this week, and it was SO cute! We were helping him find the eggs, and once all the eggs had been found, he wasn't done! So he spent the next hour taking eggs out of his basket, throwing them in the yard, going to find them..then starting all over again. Definitely one of those priceless kid moments!

My older three are old enough to know the drill...they were tearing around like crazy screaming and yelling every time they found an egg. Even my 9 year old who is starting to hit that "I'm too cool to be excited" stage.

The rest of today will be spent relaxing with my family, watching movies, enjoying the barbecue chicken my husband is currently grilling, and just enjoying each others company. I hope your day is as great as mine!

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